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my first post ..

my first post ..

My first post .. It has come to this moment in time where I have to make a choice if I want to truly crush the chains around me.   The reality is.. this government will never change, it does not live to its creed or honor its words. I must do what I must

My first post ..

It has come to this moment in time where I have to make a choice if I want to truly
crush the chains around me.


The reality is.. this government will never change, it does not live to its creed or honor its words. I must do what I must do. That is to separate. Wipe my life with a clean slate of these wretched people and their contracts.  Everything you heard or seen about America oppressing Blacks People are true. ,and there is terribly more. 2020 shown the world that much.

I do not know where this journey will lead me. But wherever it does leads me, I know better to take God with me,, to keep speaking the truth. Repeat the truth over and over and over and as loud as I can,  and as long as my heart can carry.

Everything I hold dear is at stake. My wife, My home, my family, my job, my car, my identity, —everything. All those things were always at stake living in this country where my life can be altered and unprotected for profit [sic]. My life is just a commodity to them, their constitutions a snake oil salesman con game.

Now, just like the white forefathers of America, in the course of events in my life, I must declare causes for that impels me to separate and assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle me.

To hold onto truths that are self-evident, that I am created equal, and are endowed by my Creator with unalienable Rights, among them also are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. If that was good enough for the colonist to leave their King, it is good enough for me for me to leave the colonists.

This is the beginning of my pursuit of disowning the lies and living in truth.

I stand now to tell the world of lies and deceit. I stand now after trying every civil recourse available giving, every opportunity to correct what is promised, all while being threatened. They will never honor their words to the whole, not for the weak or the poor, but only for their kind.  They have kill my People for profit then, and now because we are unarmed.  They only want my involuntary servitude to their racist social contracts that denies human rights with their civil rights. That shit is so dead to me. I am not a part of your deceit. I will share to the world my story by example of how you are never to be trusted again.

,-And the truth ‘shall’ remain. 

It was there before me, it will be there after me.

So I stand now with the truth and where ever that leads me, or whomever I find,  know that I come in peace to end this assemblage of horrors I thought was only stories taught to me in  history books. I come to rebuild a fair and honorable place for a displaced people and nation.

I come to declare and claim my Liberty.

I will stand and be.


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