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Meet Joliet City Council Candidate: Jan Quillman – Joliet, IL Patch

Meet Joliet City Council Candidate: Jan Quillman – Joliet, IL Patch

JOLIET, IL — After serving four terms on the Joliet City Council, Jan Quillman is asking the voters to re-elect her to a fifth term. Quillman is the only incumbent seeking re-election. She is one of 12 candidates vying for the three open at-large seats on the Joliet City Council in the April 6 elections.

JOLIET, IL — After serving four terms on the Joliet City Council, Jan Quillman is asking the voters to re-elect her to a fifth term. Quillman is the only incumbent seeking re-election. She is one of 12 candidates vying for the three open at-large seats on the Joliet City Council in the April 6 elections.

Quillman recently filled out the Joliet Patch candidate survey, and her answers can be found below:

Name: Jan Quillman

Age (as of Election Day): 67

Office Sought: city council

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government? No

Education: RN/AD with surgical training at the University of Chicago. Attended various management classes and participated in the Chamber of Commerce Leadership School.

Occupation: Registered Nurse

Previous or Current Elected or Appointed Office:

1995 – 2003: Appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

1997-2003: I Served on the Will County Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium Authority.

1997 – 2005: Member of the Will County Center for Economic Development Partnership board.

2005-Present: First elected to the City Council. During my time in office, I was appointed to the Baseball Committee, Land Use/Legislative Committee as well as serving as Chairperson of the Public Safety Committee and the Technology (CTIS) Committee.

2013-Present: Joliet city council liaison to the Joliet Historical Museum.

The single most pressing issue facing our (board, district, etc.) is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it.

I believe the most pressing issue is ensuring that the water supply is secured and to remain diligent in keeping cost and fees down.

Do you support Black Lives Matter and what are your thoughts on the demonstrations held since the death of George Floyd and the shooting of Jacob Blake?

The Black Lives Matter movement is not only about alleged Police misconduct it has to do with transparency. The public has to have confidence and faith in elected officials that if an incident occurs it will be investigated and handled judiciously.

Those who participated in the demonstrations that resulted in property damage and injury should not reflect on those who are seeking resolve to the issue.

Do you think the current board has done enough to support racial equality, and if not, what specifically should be done to do so?

The council is working to support racial equality as evidenced by the recent hiring of a Female Police Chief who has assembled a racially and culturally diverse Command Staff. There has also been the hiring of minority females on the Fire Department for the first time in the city’s history. Equality for all residents of our city can only be accomplished through continuing communication between the citizens and their elected officials.

What are your thoughts on the national and local coronavirus response? Do you favor measures such as limiting operation of non-essential businesses and restricting indoor/outdoor dining? And do you favor a local mask mandate?

The opening of businesses is determined by the State and these decisions are made by what the science indicates. The only way to slow the spread is to wear a mask and keep social distance and everyone getting vaccinated. However, I do support the reopening of businesses and restaurants if the guidelines are followed in order to keep everyone safe!

What are your thoughts on the state and local coronavirus vaccine distribution, and how do you think local governments should work together to handle vaccine rollout?

The initial distribution has been very disappointing. I feel that there was a lack of communication between the health authorities and communication with the public was dismal. With Deputy Fire Chief Carey’s determination, the vaccine is now flowing. I think that as we move through this, we will find that communication on all levels will improve.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?


Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform.

To reestablish Neighborhood Policing, Body Cameras, and restoring the public trust. I also want to be diligent in the repair of the water infrastructure, keeping taxes low and public safety.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

In the time I have served on the council I believe I have demonstrated that I can work during very challenging times and still remain consistent.

If you win this position, what accomplishment would make your term in office as a success?

The completion of the Houbolt bridge to alleviate traffic and through economic development create more good paying jobs.

Restoring citizens trust in city government and always keeping Joliet the best place to live, work, and play.

Why should voters trust you?

My past record has shown that I will make decisions on facts while remaining fair to all residents. I have also made myself accessible and will continue to put the citizens of Joliet first.

What are your views on fiscal policy, government spending and the use of taxpayer dollars in the office you are seeking?

As a tax payer I want to keep our taxes as low as possible while making sure that every penny is spent wisely. I voted NO to recently passed tax increases and I also voted NO for the $6.5 Million dollar bond for the remodeling of the downtown library.

Is there any reason you would not serve your full term of office, other than those of health or family?

Absolutely not.

The best advice ever shared with me was:

Look for the best in people no matter how badly they treat you!

What else would you like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

I believe in the time I have served most residents have come to know me. They know they can trust in my integrity, compassion and commitment. They also know I am very accessible and responsive and will always stand with them until we solve any problem or issue they are facing. If you would like to speak to me please call 815 726 7071.

I respectfully ask for your most important possession……Your Vote!

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