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Meet Vincent J. Aiello: School District 146 Candidate – Patch.com

Meet Vincent J. Aiello: School District 146 Candidate – Patch.com

OAK FOREST, IL — Meet Vincent J. Aiello, Community Consolidated School District 146 school board candidate. The Consolidated Elections are April 6. Aiello recently filled out the Patch candidate survey, and his answers can be seen below. If you are a candidate for the April election, and would like to answer our Patch candidate questionnaire,

OAK FOREST, IL — Meet Vincent J. Aiello, Community Consolidated School District 146 school board candidate. The Consolidated Elections are April 6.

Aiello recently filled out the Patch candidate survey, and his answers can be seen below.

If you are a candidate for the April election, and would like to answer our Patch candidate questionnaire, please email yasmeen.sheikah@patch.com.

Vincent J. Aiello

Age (as of election)


Town/city of residence

Orland Park

School District

Community Consolidated School District 146


Vince, Jean and Giana Aiello live in Orland Park

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?



Bachelor’s and Master’s of Music Education Wayne State University, Master’s of Educational Administration from Governors State University.


Teacher 32 years of teaching experience

Campaign website

Facebook @ AielloJackson146

Previous or current elected or appointed office

School Board Member 2014 – Present

The single most pressing issue facing our (board, district, etc.) is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it.

Covid . I wish for all students to return to the classroom. Remote learning in my opinion is not what is best for students. Students need to be in class for their Academic, Social and Mental well being. I want to work with administration to figure out how we can get all learners back in their buildings, in the safest way possible.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

I am an educator who understands the daily challenges that teachers, parents and students face in this uncertain time. I live the Covid situation everyday and best understand what is going on in schools and how we can best deal with getting kids back into full time learning.

Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform

Simple. Do what is best for the students of this district.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

We started a full day Kindergarten program, developed a new strategic plan for the district, completed addition to Kruse, Fierke, Memorial and Fulton schools, provide an abatement to the tax payers, member of the Curriculum committee and my organizational skills as a teacher.

Why should voters trust you?

Because I don’t play politics, I tell people exactly how I feel, and I don’t lie.

If you win this position, what accomplishment would make your term in office a success?

Number one priority is to return safely to full time in school student learning.

What are your views on fiscal policy, government spending and the handling of taxpayer dollars in the office you are seeking?

Based on our history of fiscal responsibility, I am very confident we are on the right track. Both Jeff Charleston the business manager and Dr Jeff Stawick have extensive financial backgrounds. I feel the district is in great hands in this area.

Do you support Black Lives Matter and what are your thoughts on the demonstrations held since the death of George Floyd and the shooting of Jacob Blake?

Yes I am a supporter. All people have the right to protest peacefully for things , people or issues they believe in.

Do you think the current board has done enough to support racial equality, and if not, what specifically should be done to do so?

I think this board and administration has done a good job in this area, but I am open to listening to anyone who feels that they have not been treated fairly. I would want to know, so the situation could be rectified.

What are your thoughts on the district’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic? Are you in favor of remote learning, in-person learning or a hybrid of the two? Do you support a mask mandate for students and school staff, or mandatory coronavirus testing for both students and staff?

I think the district has done the best it could possibly do with the current situation. Things change so fast that it is sometimes difficult to keep up. With the vaccine coming out and the rates of Covid infections going down and deaths declining, it is a good time to figure out how to get kids back into in person learning for more than just the half days they are experiencing now. I voted no on the half day plan because I felt the correct yes vote was for the three days of full day learning. The half days, in my opinion put more stress on parents to find child care. But most importantly is that kids would have less screen time and more face to face interaction with teachers and other students. I am a firm believer in the mask mandate to keep our staff and students safe. As for testing, that costs money. I am all for it if the State of Illinois or the Federal Government helps fund such a mandate.

When the vaccine is available to them, do you support mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for students and staff?

I would strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated. Trust the science behind it.

Is there any reason you would not serve your full term of office, other than those of health or family?


The best advice ever shared with me was ____________

Do the best you can with what you are given.


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