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Manufacturer Admin Gets 2.5 Years For $1M Credit Card Fraud – Law360

Manufacturer Admin Gets 2.5 Years For $1M Credit Card Fraud – Law360

Law360 (May 14, 2021, 6:58 PM EDT) — An Illinois electrical product manufacturer’s former travel and expense administrator was sentenced to 30 months in prison in Illinois federal court on Friday for conducting a nearly $1 million fraud scheme through which she charged personal expenses to former employees’ credit cards instead of closing their accounts. 

Law360 (May 14, 2021, 6:58 PM EDT) — An Illinois electrical product manufacturer’s former travel and expense administrator was sentenced to 30 months in prison in Illinois federal court on Friday for conducting a nearly $1 million fraud scheme through which she charged personal expenses to former employees’ credit cards instead of closing their accounts. 

U.S. District Judge Steven Seeger handed the sentence to Tonnya Stitt-Senholtz about nine months after she pled guilty to a count of wire fraud, admitting that she charged about $928,000 in at least 2,974 unauthorized credit transactions for personal luxuries, including a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and a nearly $9,000 weeklong Royal Caribbean cruise, using her…

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