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Texas Leads Intervention Bid In Illinois Public Charge Row – Law360

Texas Leads Intervention Bid In Illinois Public Charge Row – Law360

Law360 (May 13, 2021, 10:23 PM EDT) — Texas, Arizona and other conservative-leaning states have asked an Illinois federal judge to reconsider his decision vacating the public charge rule, and to allow the states to intervene so they can represent the since-abandoned view of the federal government defending the rule. The request comes weeks after

Law360 (May 13, 2021, 10:23 PM EDT) — Texas, Arizona and other conservative-leaning states have asked an Illinois federal judge to reconsider his decision vacating the public charge rule, and to allow the states to intervene so they can represent the since-abandoned view of the federal government defending the rule.

The request comes weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court told the group of 14 states they had moved too quickly in trying to revive the Trump-era rule and would need to first make their case at the district court level. The rule expanded the definition of “public charge” and required immigrants seeking green cards to report whether they had…

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