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Ex-Ill. Lawmaker Says Statutory Pay Cuts Unconstitutional – Law360

Ex-Ill. Lawmaker Says Statutory Pay Cuts Unconstitutional – Law360

Law360 (June 3, 2021, 5:47 PM EDT) — A former member of the Illinois House of Representatives is suing the state’s comptroller, claiming in Illinois state court that his and other lawmakers’ pay was unlawfully reduced under statutes that eliminated annual cost-of-living adjustments and required them to take furlough days. Michael Fortner, a Republican who

Law360 (June 3, 2021, 5:47 PM EDT) — A former member of the Illinois House of Representatives is suing the state’s comptroller, claiming in Illinois state court that his and other lawmakers’ pay was unlawfully reduced under statutes that eliminated annual cost-of-living adjustments and required them to take furlough days.

Michael Fortner, a Republican who served in the state legislature from 2007 to 2019, argues in his putative class action against Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza that those statutes must be declared void because the Illinois Constitution prohibits changes to legislators’ salaries during their terms in office, and that he and his former colleagues should be able to recover salary…

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