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Major League Soccer Team Sues Insurer For COVID-19 Losses – Law360

Major League Soccer Team Sues Insurer For COVID-19 Losses – Law360

Law360 (June 30, 2021, 7:23 PM EDT) — The Philadelphia Union professional soccer team has joined the legion of sports and entertainment franchises suing their insurers for refusing to pay claims for COVID-19-related business losses, a new Illinois state court action shows. The suit filed Monday in Cook County Circuit Court by various entities controlling

Law360 (June 30, 2021, 7:23 PM EDT) — The Philadelphia Union professional soccer team has joined the legion of sports and entertainment franchises suing their insurers for refusing to pay claims for COVID-19-related business losses, a new Illinois state court action shows.

The suit filed Monday in Cook County Circuit Court by various entities controlling the Major League Soccer club and Subaru Park stadium accuses Continental Casualty Company of breach of contract for not honoring its $192 million policy covering loss and damage at the stadium and several outlying buildings caused by contamination and government shutdown orders.

“As a direct and foreseeable result of the defendant’s breach of contract…

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