Domestic merchant’s body CAIT Prompted the government not to dilute the draft on Sunday E-commerce rules Under the pressure of foreign online companies. All India Union by contacting Prime Minister Narendra Modi trader (CAIT) said it was observed that there were voices calling the rules strict. “In the wake of the expected pressure tactics of
Domestic merchant’s body CAIT Prompted the government not to dilute the draft on Sunday E-commerce rules Under the pressure of foreign online companies.
All India Union by contacting Prime Minister Narendra Modi trader (CAIT) said it was observed that there were voices calling the rules strict.
“In the wake of the expected pressure tactics of foreign-funded e-commerce companies, E-commerce rules... (We) urged to make sure no dilution was done in his (Prime Minister) draft E-commerce rules Under any pressure ” CAIT Said in a statement.
He added that the draft rules after considering the proposals and objections should be notified without further delay.
He claimed that the unethical and unlawful business practices of foreign e-commerce companies forced the closure of numerous stores in the country.
“”trader India does not oppose e-commerce, but e-commerce is considered to be the most promising business vehicle of the future. trader In addition to business activities in physical stores, it should be adopted as a business flow. “
Nangia Andersen LLP partner Sandeep Jhunjhunwala said that proposed rules such as the appointment of Chief Compliance Officer, Node Contact Officer, and Resident Complaint Officer may be of great help in protecting the interests of consumers, but especially for businesses. Operated from outside India, which stated that it could create a “massive” compliance burden.
“Currently, this rule does not provide a threshold, timeline or validity of the applicability of DPIIT (Industrial and Domestic Trade Promotion Agency) registrations, which is a nuisance for start-ups.” He said.
Appointing employees in India may also increase the exposure to establish a permanent establishment in India for foreign businesses, he added.
“It is strictly forbidden to mis-sell or flash-sell merchandise. These terms are defined under the rules, but they are subjective and open to interpretation.
“Therefore, each e-commerce entity must consider certain facts and circumstances to investigate the rules and determine if they comply with the law,” said Junjunwara.
(Only the headlines and photos in this report may have been reworked by Business Standard staff. The rest of the content is automatically generated from the syndicate feed.)
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Trader group CAIT urges government not to dilute e-commerce rules
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