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Riley Safer Adds Experienced IP, White Collar Partners – Law360

Riley Safer Adds Experienced IP, White Collar Partners – Law360

Law360 (August 9, 2021, 4:07 PM EDT) — Chicago firm Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila LLP has added two experienced attorneys to its intellectual property and white collar practices, including a former prosecutor with the U.S. District Attorney’s Office, the firm has announced. Partners Georgia Alexakis and Keyonn Pope joined Riley Safer last week. Alexakis

Law360 (August 9, 2021, 4:07 PM EDT) — Chicago firm Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila LLP has added two experienced attorneys to its intellectual property and white collar practices, including a former prosecutor with the U.S. District Attorney’s Office, the firm has announced.

Partners Georgia Alexakis and Keyonn Pope joined Riley Safer last week. Alexakis previously spent nearly nine years at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois, and Pope arrives from Reed Smith after nearly as long with that firm.

Alexakis told Law360 on Monday that she moved back to private practice because she was seeking a new challenge and found that Riley Safer fit…

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