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High Court Won’t Halt Obama Library Construction In Chicago – Law360

High Court Won’t Halt Obama Library Construction In Chicago – Law360

Law360 (August 20, 2021, 4:56 PM EDT) — The U.S. Supreme Court won’t halt construction of former President Barack Obama’s multimillion-dollar presidential library in Chicago’s Jackson Park, with Justice Amy Coney Barrett rejecting on Friday an emergency injunction request filed by an environmental advocacy group just days earlier. Justice Barrett handles appeals from the Seventh

Law360 (August 20, 2021, 4:56 PM EDT) — The U.S. Supreme Court won’t halt construction of former President Barack Obama’s multimillion-dollar presidential library in Chicago’s Jackson Park, with Justice Amy Coney Barrett rejecting on Friday an emergency injunction request filed by an environmental advocacy group just days earlier.

Justice Barrett handles appeals from the Seventh Circuit, which recently shut down an injunction bid sought by Protect Our Parks Inc. and other environmental advocates to preemptively stop the project amid claims that the government conducted too narrow of an environmental review.

The justice gave no explanation for denying Tuesday’s emergency application for an injunction and did not refer the case to the…

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