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Bill Filed To Prohibit School Mandates On Students: Parental Medical Choice Act –

Bill Filed To Prohibit School Mandates On Students: Parental Medical Choice Act –

BY JOHN KRAFT & KIRK ALLEN Springfield, IL. (ECWd) – Illinois State Representative David A. Welter filed HB4149, with Rep. Amy Grant and Andrew Chesney as co-sponsors. Synopsis As Introduced: Creates the Parental Medical Choice Act. Provides that no State or local entity, agency, institution, official, or person shall require a minor to obtain a


Springfield, IL. (ECWd) –

Illinois State Representative David A. Welter filed HB4149, with Rep. Amy Grant and Andrew Chesney as co-sponsors.

Synopsis As Introduced:

Creates the Parental Medical Choice Act. Provides that no State or local entity, agency, institution, official, or person shall require a minor to obtain a health care service or take a health-related precaution. Provides that no State or local entity, agency, institution, official, or person shall discriminate against a minor because the child has or has not obtained a health care service or has or has not taken any health-related precaution. Provides that no public institution of higher education shall require any health care service or health-related precaution to be taken as a condition on enrollment or in-person classroom attendance. Makes other requirements concerning the prohibition against compulsory health care service or health-related precautions for children. Provides that any person aggrieved by a violation of the Act shall have a right of action in a State circuit court against an offending State or local entity, agency, institution, official, or person. Provides that a prevailing party may recover liquidated damages in the amount of $1,000 per day for the duration of a violation of the Act. Provides findings and policy provisions. Defines terms.

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  • Tracey Baker

    Posted at 11:07h, 22 September

    Dead already in ill-inois

  • Dave

    Posted at 11:13h, 22 September

    Insane that we need this, but bravo!

  • Frank Miller

    Posted at 12:53h, 22 September

    For crying out loud, this proposed “Act” as well as (745 ILCS 70/) Health Care Right of Conscience Act, would not be needed if existing laws were being enforced. 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights, 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law. Do any of these people understand that corporate by-laws are null and void if contrary to the Constitution, the supreme law of the land?

  • Jim Crawford

    Posted at 16:34h, 22 September

    What individual died and made Western Medicine king!? When did white-coated Medi-stutes gain authority over anyone’s body!? This is a Hitlerian-Stalinist-Maoist wet dream. Just because someone is wearing a white coat with the initials MD means they can come around and say “No Jab, No Wordk”?
    Other that trauma-based emergency techniques, I do not recognize Western Medicine as being anything but a death-cult that tells you all of your ills are the result of a deficiency of poison. The Medical-Military-Induastrial complex hold no authority over our bodies, period.

  • james oconnor

    Posted at 16:44h, 22 September

    Frank that’s what happens when people bring emotion to this issue. What we have here is a modern day witch hunt. America has unhinged it’s self from reality. So sad.

  • Tracey Baker

    Posted at 11:07h, 22 September

    Dead already in ill-inois

  • Dave

    Posted at 11:13h, 22 September

    Insane that we need this, but bravo!

  • Frank Miller

    Posted at 12:53h, 22 September

    For crying out loud, this proposed “Act” as well as (745 ILCS 70/) Health Care Right of Conscience Act, would not be needed if existing laws were being enforced. 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights, 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law. Do any of these people understand that corporate by-laws are null and void if contrary to the Constitution, the supreme law of the land?

  • Jim Crawford

    Posted at 16:34h, 22 September

    What individual died and made Western Medicine king!? When did white-coated Medi-stutes gain authority over anyone’s body!? This is a Hitlerian-Stalinist-Maoist wet dream. Just because someone is wearing a white coat with the initials MD means they can come around and say “No Jab, No Wordk”?
    Other that trauma-based emergency techniques, I do not recognize Western Medicine as being anything but a death-cult that tells you all of your ills are the result of a deficiency of poison. The Medical-Military-Induastrial complex hold no authority over our bodies, period.

  • james oconnor

    Posted at 16:44h, 22 September

    Frank that’s what happens when people bring emotion to this issue. What we have here is a modern day witch hunt. America has unhinged it’s self from reality. So sad.

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