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AP Interview: Hungary is working on controversial LGBT law | WGN Radio 720 – Illinoisnewstoday.com

AP Interview: Hungary is working on controversial LGBT law | WGN Radio 720 – Illinoisnewstoday.com

United Nations (AP) — Hungary’s right-wing populist government is attracting conservative thinkers from the United States who admire immigration, LGBT issues, and an approach to national sovereignty. Look at the worrying erosion of democratic institutions on multiple fronts, rather than conservative shelters. The top Hungarian diplomats have some things to say about it. In an

United Nations (AP) — Hungary’s right-wing populist government is attracting conservative thinkers from the United States who admire immigration, LGBT issues, and an approach to national sovereignty. Look at the worrying erosion of democratic institutions on multiple fronts, rather than conservative shelters.

The top Hungarian diplomats have some things to say about it.

In an interview with the Associated Press, a bystander at the UN General Assembly’s World Leaders Conference, Foreign Minister Peter Sijart said he would not give ground to a policy to fine the European Union and initiate legal proceedings against it. rice field. About violation of block value.

“Because we are sovereign and sovereign, we do not compromise on these issues, and even the European Commission should not threaten us on these policies,” Szijjarto said. Says.

Top of the list of controversial government policies: The EU’s controversial Hungarian law violates the fundamental rights of LGBT people. As a result, the EU executive committee has postponed the billions of economic recovery funds allocated to Hungary. This is what Siyarto called “pure political decision” and “blackmail.” He says the law aims to protect children from pedophiles and “gay propaganda law.”

“We are not going to compromise on the future of our children,” Szijjarto told AP.

A law passed in June makes it illegal to promote or portray sex reassignment surgery or homosexuality to minors under the age of 18 in media content. It also includes provisions that provide stricter penalties for pedophilia. Critics say it inflates pedophilia with homosexuality and stigmatizes sexual minorities.

This measure was strongly rejected by most European leaders. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte suggested that Hungary’s right-wing Prime Minister Victor Oban should withdraw his country from the EU if he does not want to adhere to its collective principles.

The conflict updates what is seen as a lasting attack on Hungary’s democratic standards: corruption, media integration, and a protracted battle with the block over strengthening political control over state institutions and the judiciary. I’m sorry.

Last year, the EU adopted regulations that link the payment of funds to compliance with the rule of law of Member States. He argued that this was a measure strongly opposed by the Hungarian government and a means of punishing countries that broke liberalism. Consensus of Western European countries.

EU concerns about Hungary’s departure from democratic values ​​have been preceded by several prominent American conservatives who recently visited Hungary and praised Oban’s hard-line policy on immigration and ignoring EU rules. It became something without. On Thursday, Hungary hosted former US Vice President Mike Pence at a conference dedicated to family values ​​and demography in Budapest. Both issues form a central pillar of Hungary’s conservative policy.

“One approach (to depopulation) says we need to facilitate the flow of movement to Europe. This is an approach we don’t like,” Szijjarto said.

In addition to firm opposition to immigrants, the Hungarian government emphasizes traditional family values ​​and resistance to increasing acceptance of sexual minorities in Western countries. It also describes itself as a “Christian democracy” beacon and as a breakwater against migration from Muslim-dominated countries.

“We know that Vice President Pence is working very hard on this issue … that’s why we invited him because he has a strong Christian background,” Szijjarto said. Told.

Despite Hungary’s position on immigrants, it evacuated more than 400 Afghan citizens who supported Hungarian troops in Afghanistan after the Afghan government fell into the radical Taliban last month. However, Siyarto said his country “will not take Afghanistan anymore” and that refugees are not allowed to cross the southern border of Hungary into the EU.

“We don’t allow anyone to come to Europe illegally,” he told AP.

Pence’s visit to Hungary is only the latest in a series of immigration-restricted right-wing Americans visiting Hungary, and its government describes it as an increasingly conservative fortress of values.

Tucker Carlson, the most popular host on the right-wing Fox News channel, aired for a week from Budapest in August. While there, he praised Oban’s approach to immigration, family values, and national sovereignty. Carlson also visited by helicopter to see the fortified fences along the southern border of the country.

On Wednesday, the Hungarian state news agency reported that Budapest would host the Conservative Political Activities Council (CPAC) next year. This is primarily an annual rally of US conservatives and politicians.

The Hungarian government said, “When American critics come to Hungary, we are happy. When they come, they see reality, so we are happy.”

“US media and media usually characterize us as a dictatorship, a bad place to stay, and write all sorts of fake news about Hungary,” he said. “But when these commentators come in, they can face reality.”

But while some Hungarian fans see it as a beacon, EU financial pressures designed to change Budapest’s behaviour, have increased backlash from the other side of the political spectrum. Represents.

Last week, Hungary sold billions of dollars in foreign currency bonds to cover the costs of planned development projects, even if the EU’s recovery funds were not released. This means that Hungary’s budget is “quite good” as it grows, giving the country more flexibility in its central budget without the need for EU funding, Szijjarto said. I am.

“Hungarians should not be afraid of any kind of loss incurred due to this political decision by the European Commission,” Szijjarto said.

Next spring’s national elections are expected to be the biggest challenge for Oban’s power since it was elected in 2010, and the Hungarian government can mobilize immigrants, LGBT rights, and a conservative voting base. We are working on divisive issues such as.

In a speech in front of UN global leaders Thursday night, Siyarto draws similarities between migration and pandemics, a “vicious circle” in which the health and economic implications of the virus epidemic lead more people. Was formed. “I went out on the road.”

“The more people involved in the migration process, the faster the virus will spread,” he told the UN General Assembly. “Therefore, migration today constitutes not only the well-known cultural, civilized, or security-related risks, but also very serious medical risks.”

Hungarian law affecting LGBT people involves a referendum on the availability of transsexual procedures for children and sex education in schools prior to elections. Szijjarto said the referendum would provide a “strong debate in the debate” with the EU over the law and require voters to maintain its policy strongly.

“The best ammunition the government can have during such a debate is a clear expression of people’s will,” the minister said.


Based in Budapest, Justin Spike covers the Associated Press in Hungary. He is assigned to the United Nations this week. Follow him on Twitter http://twitter.com/jspikebudapest

Source link AP Interview: Hungary is working on controversial LGBT law | WGN Radio 720

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