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John Norton Files Yet Another Bogus Motion In His Failed Case

John Norton Files Yet Another Bogus Motion In His Failed Case

BY KIRK ALLEN & JOHN KRAFT Will Co. (ECWd) – Former appointed Wesley Township Highway Commissioner John Norton has filed what may be the wildest fabricated information filing we have ever seen to hit a court docket, next to those from his new friend from Florida. Norton filed a Motion for Discovery and Order.  Norton


Will Co. (ECWd) –

Former appointed Wesley Township Highway Commissioner John Norton has filed what may be the wildest fabricated information filing we have ever seen to hit a court docket, next to those from his new friend from Florida.

Norton filed a Motion for Discovery and Order.  Norton fails to understand he already lost his case and had been ordered to pay thousands due to his filing being a bogus case in the first place.  His opportunity for discovery is long past and this new filing is yet another bogus filing that is only going to increase what he owes to the defendants that prevailed.

  • Norton falsely claims John Kraft and Kirk Allen are co-founders of an LLC.   Neither Kraft nor Allen have ever founded any LLC.
  • Norton claims Kraft was operating a cell phone/smartphone in the courtroom.  Norton fails to realize he was given specific permission to do so.
  • Norton falsely claims Cindy Brzana linked her I-Watch to Kraft’s cell phone to record the proceedings. Norton fails to realize one person’s I-Watch can’t link to another’s Android phone.
  • Norton falsely claims Brzana pretended to adjust her wig when using the alleged camera on her watch. Norton fails to realize Brzana does not nor has ever worn a wig.
  • Norton falsely claims Brzana pointed her I-Watch built-in camera towards him.  Norton fails to realize the watch in question has no camera capability.

As if those false accusations are not wild enough, Norton wants the court to issue orders that are out of fantasy land.

  • Deny Kraft the use of his cell phone/smartphone while in court.
  • Kraft to turn over any recordings and photos taken while in the court.
  • A copy of the courtroom video for the day in question to be provided to Norton.

Norton’s motion will fail for many reasons but specifically, the following in our opinion.

  • The motion is unsupported by an affidavit
  • The court has no jurisdiction over John Kraft in this case.
  • The motion is not relevant to the matters before the court.
  • The motion was never served on John Kraft.
  • The claims are false.

Why Norton would file a motion that can potentially lead to sanctions against him when he claims to be broke is beyond comprehension.

He has requested a hearing date for October 8, 2021, at 10:30.  We will keep you posted as this motion moves through the system.

A copy of the motion can be downloaded at this link or viewed below.

Norton new motion 9.30.21

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  • Dennis P Finegan

    Posted at 11:49h, 02 October

    Why isn’t he in jail yet? Thirty days for stupidity.

  • Dennis P Finegan

    Posted at 11:49h, 02 October

    Why isn’t he in jail yet? Thirty days for stupidity.

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