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Ex-DePaul Student Guilty Of Trying To Distribute ISIS Videos – Law360

Ex-DePaul Student Guilty Of Trying To Distribute ISIS Videos – Law360

By Ivan Moreno (October 19, 2021, 6:21 PM EDT) — A Chicago federal jury has convicted a former college student of trying to help ISIS archive and disseminate its propaganda videos, despite defense arguments that the student was engaging in protected free speech and never coordinated with the terrorist group. Thomas Osadzinski, a 22-year-old suburban

By Ivan Moreno (October 19, 2021, 6:21 PM EDT) — A Chicago federal jury has convicted a former college student of trying to help ISIS archive and disseminate its propaganda videos, despite defense arguments that the student was engaging in protected free speech and never coordinated with the terrorist group.

Thomas Osadzinski, a 22-year-old suburban Chicago native and former DePaul University student, on Monday was found guilty of one count of attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization after a two-week trial before U.S. District Judge Robert W. Gettleman.

Osadzinski was indicted in December 2019 after he shared the computer script he had developed with undercover FBI agents…

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