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White Stallion Energy Gets OK For $35M Coal Mines Sale – Law360

White Stallion Energy Gets OK For $35M Coal Mines Sale – Law360

By Rick Archer (October 25, 2021, 6:59 PM EDT) — A Delaware bankruptcy court judge on Monday gave Indiana coal producer White Stallion Energy the go-ahead to accept a $35 million credit bid for nearly all its assets after hearing it had reached a global settlement with its creditors. At a virtual hearing, counsel for

By Rick Archer (October 25, 2021, 6:59 PM EDT) — A Delaware bankruptcy court judge on Monday gave Indiana coal producer White Stallion Energy the go-ahead to accept a $35 million credit bid for nearly all its assets after hearing it had reached a global settlement with its creditors.

At a virtual hearing, counsel for White Stallion told bankruptcy Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein it had resolved objections raised by environmental regulators to the sale of its mines to its secured creditors and had brokered a deal between its secured and unsecured creditors.

White Stallion and 18 affiliates petitioned for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protections starting in December and put its mines in…

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