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AG: McLean County Violated Open Meetings Act; Public Comment Rules –

AG: McLean County Violated Open Meetings Act; Public Comment Rules –

Dave Posted at 11:27h, 18 January Reply “The board was represented in this Request for Review by the Assistance McLean County State’s Attorney, who argued that the board did not restrict her right to speak – even though they did not permit her to speak.” If it walks like a duck, then its a duck!


Posted at 11:27h, 18 January Reply

“The board was represented in this Request for Review by the Assistance McLean County State’s Attorney, who argued that the board did not restrict her right to speak – even though they did not permit her to speak.”

If it walks like a duck, then its a duck! This reads like an act of organized crime. The McLean County State’s Attorney is supposed to provide justice for the public, not a corrupt board.

And govt wonders why there is so much distrust of government; reminds me somewhat of the Nazis in Hitler’s Germany preventing people with opposing views from speaking. Very sad….

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