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Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of “Open The Books”, passed away over the weekend. –

Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of “Open The Books”, passed away over the weekend. –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen Hinsdale, Ill. (ECWd) – With deep sadness, we report that Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of Open The Books – “Every Dime. Online. In Real Time.” passed away over the weekend. See Press Release below. As former candidate for Governor of Illinois, Adam campaigned on his vision of Every

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

Hinsdale, Ill. (ECWd) –

With deep sadness, we report that Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of Open The Books – “Every Dime. Online. In Real Time.” passed away over the weekend. See Press Release below.

As former candidate for Governor of Illinois, Adam campaigned on his vision of Every Dime. Online. In Real Time., and tirelessly pursued that vision.

America has lost a tireless watchdog and patriot, who worked to expose corruption in government at every level.

Open the Books will be one of his lasting legacies.

We were proud to consider him a close friend, personally and professionally.

Our deepest condolences to his wife and daughters.

Adam Andrzejewski


  • Rosanne Pulido

    Posted at 10:41h, 19 August Reply

    I have no words. It’s very sad, but for Adam, he gets to meet his Lord and Savior. He’s the lucky one. Great work Adam. Thanks for all your great work.

  • John

    Posted at 11:33h, 19 August Reply

    Adam was a patriot. My condolences to his family. I’m deeply saddened by this lost of a real American.

    John Groll

  • Jan Shaw

    Posted at 11:49h, 19 August Reply

    Adam was so young and tireless. We will all miss him

  • John Groll

    Posted at 11:58h, 19 August Reply

    We are deeply saddened hearing of Adam’s passing.
    He was a true patriot. Our condolences to his family.

  • Dave

    Posted at 12:19h, 19 August Reply

    Stunned…. he was one of the good guys. Illinois voters missed their chance to have a great governor when they didn’t elect him.

  • Diane Smith

    Posted at 12:22h, 19 August Reply

    His passing is a tremendous loss for his family, his friends, and for the country. We will always be grateful for his devotion and his commitment to expose corruption in government on all levels… for his optimistic outlook on life and his passion for the truth………he will live in our hearts forever.

  • Carol Davis

    Posted at 12:35h, 19 August Reply

    A tremendous loss of a true patriot. I volunteered for his campaign when he ran for governor. It was truly a grassroots campaign with many of us volunteers writing handwritten letters to voters on Adams behalf. As the years have passed, we can see that God had a far bigger and better plan for Adam as he created Open the Books. He leaves a powerful legacy.

  • betty zelasko

    Posted at 14:53h, 19 August Reply

    I very sad loss for all Americans He died way to young .We will miss him and his good works

  • Roger Kempa

    Posted at 15:32h, 19 August Reply

    Sad & Tragic Loss of Adam Andrzejewski – One Who Sought & Succeeded In Providing Truth In Government To The Public. It is still unbelievable to at least me that Adam is gone, let alone find out in this manner, not befitting the greatness, bravery, and patriotism of the man, Adam Andrzejewski. Thankfulness for your accomplishments and work, still set in motion. God bless you.

  • Jim Hoft

    Posted at 16:06h, 19 August Reply

    Adam was a friend who frequently reached out to The Gateway Pundit. We also supported his gubernatorial run.

    Does anyone have any details on this report?

    Please write to: [email protected]

  • Kirsten Kelly-Vargas

    Posted at 16:20h, 19 August Reply

    I heard this morning on 560am that Adam had passed away over this weekend. I first met Adam 25 or so years ago when he knocked on my door and sold my small business an ad in his Homepages phone book. I thought the idea was great to have phone books geared at the towns. I followed his career and often shared his open the books site in my social media.
    Adam will be sorely missed. Condolences to his wife and daughters. God speed

  • helen mcmahon

    Posted at 16:33h, 19 August Reply

    very sorry to hear of Adam
    passing,, he was a brilliant fighter for truth, open the books, we need the books open for all to see what actual cost of the millions of illegals who either walked across our borders or were flown in on our dime. who going to ask now ?

  • Lorin and Linda Kenfield

    Posted at 18:23h, 19 August Reply

    We watch him on The National Desk. He was so articulate and clear about about the issue and what needed to be done. An angel!

  • Tom Sodeika

    Posted at 19:09h, 19 August Reply

    My condolences to Adam’s family. I join in the shock and dismay of the news of Adam’s passing. I was blessed to know and work with Adam and the great team at Open the Books. Adam, you made a historic impact with your transparency mission. We will miss you deeply. You’re great work will continue for generations.
    Tom Sodeika
    to agreed on square.com

  • Tom Sodeika

    Posted at 19:11h, 19 August Reply

    My condolences to Adam’s family. I join in the shock and dismay of the news of Adam’s passing. I was blessed to know and work with Adam and the great team at Open the Books. Adam, you made a historic impact with your transparency mission. We will miss you deeply. You’re great work will continue for generations.
    Tom Sodeika
    [email protected]

  • Dwight Kay

    Posted at 19:30h, 19 August Reply

    Adam was a close personal friend over many years. His dedication to bringing public corruption to the attention of the general public was second to none. He was a courageous crime fighter, dedicating his time, talent, and personal resources for the express purpose of making state and federal governments accountable. Adam, thank you for exposing all the wrongdoing that prevents Illinois and our Nation from being all it was meant to be.. In my book, you are a Patriot.

    Dwight Kay

  • Robert Habe torn Sr

    Posted at 20:48h, 19 August Reply

    What a great person Adam was in life. His level of dedication to true conservative values was second to none. A true friend to many and one who would always have your back. God speed Adam and will live on forever in the hearts and minds of many.

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