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2nd Ex-Deutsche Trader Gets 1 Yr For Metals Market Spoofing – Law360

2nd Ex-Deutsche Trader Gets 1 Yr For Metals Market Spoofing – Law360

Law360 (June 28, 2021, 6:28 PM EDT) — A former Deutsche Bank trader convicted of wire fraud for spoofing the precious metals market was sentenced Monday to one year and one day in prison, the same sentence an Illinois federal judge handed his co-defendant last week. U.S. District Judge John Tharp Jr. said the sentence

Law360 (June 28, 2021, 6:28 PM EDT) — A former Deutsche Bank trader convicted of wire fraud for spoofing the precious metals market was sentenced Monday to one year and one day in prison, the same sentence an Illinois federal judge handed his co-defendant last week.

U.S. District Judge John Tharp Jr. said the sentence he ordered for Cedric Chanu, which doesn’t include a fine or term of home confinement, represents “the bare minimum” necessary to punish the ex-trader for conducting a years-long market manipulation scheme, to highlight the seriousness of his crime and to promote respect for the law.

Judge Tharp said that deciding whether to give Chanu…

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