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Watch now: Davis: Illinois losing House seat ‘unfortunate, yet unsurprising’ – Herald & Review

Watch now: Davis: Illinois losing House seat ‘unfortunate, yet unsurprising’ – Herald & Review

Watch now: Davis: Illinois losing House seat ‘unfortunate, yet unsurprising’ The Census Results: What is Apportionment? TAYLORVILLE — U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Taylorville, on Monday said the state losing a U.S. House seat because of population loss is “unfortunate, yet unsurprising” and urged lawmakers Gov. J.B. Pritzker to make a fair map.  “Democrats continue to

Watch now: Davis: Illinois losing House seat ‘unfortunate, yet unsurprising’

The Census Results: What is Apportionment?

TAYLORVILLE — U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Taylorville, on Monday said the state losing a U.S. House seat because of population loss is “unfortunate, yet unsurprising” and urged lawmakers Gov. J.B. Pritzker to make a fair map. 

“Democrats continue to push corruption, tax hikes, and job-killing policies, which have only made our outmigration problems worse,” he said. “Gov. Pritzker has done nothing to stem the flow of families and has only made it worse by encouraging the tax-and-spend habits of the Democrats in the General Assembly.”

Illinois’ population dropped by more than 18,000 people over the last decade, according to the census data released Monday. Its U.S. House representation drop from 18 members to 17 next year.

Overall, U.S. population growth has slowed to the lowest rate since the Great Depression.

Colorado, Montana and Oregon all added residents and gained seat a seat each. Texas was the biggest winner — the second-most populous state added two congressional seats, while Florida and North Carolina gained one. States losing seats included Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

It’s unfortunate, yet unsurprising, that #IL lost population over the past decade. Dems continue to push corruption, tax hikes, and job-killing policies, which have made outmigration problems worse.

Read my full statement on the Census announcement below: https://t.co/aAC3rNpRSK

— US Rep Rodney Davis (@RodneyDavis) April 26, 2021

Democrats control the Illinois legislature and the governor’s office, which also gives them control of the mapmaking process for the General Assembly as well as Congress with no input required from Republicans.

Democrats are expected to try to preserve their majority in the congressional delegation, potentially lumping together two Republicans from downstate, which has seen large population losses, into a single district.

U.S. Darin LaHood, R-Peoria, asked that Pritzker and Democrats to “stand by their word to support an independent process. Illinoisans do not want a process that allows politicians to pick their own voters.”

Said Davis: As state lawmakers determine the course for redistricting, I urge the Democrats to keep their word on supporting independent redistricting, particularly Governor Pritzker, who pledged to veto any partisan-drawn map. The politicians in charge should not be using the census to pick their own voters and protect their own power.”

The Associated Press contributed to this story. 


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