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Bloomington Township Electors Vote Down Anti Israel Ballot Question

Bloomington Township Electors Vote Down Anti Israel Ballot Question

McClean Co. (ECWd) A resident of Blooming Township circulated the needed 15 signatures required to hold a special Township meeting of the electors.  The purpose was to have the electors vote on what we see as a clear anti-Israel ballot question. “Shall the United States federal government and subordinate divisions stop giving military funding to

McClean Co. (ECWd)

A resident of Blooming Township circulated the needed 15 signatures required to hold a special Township meeting of the electors.  The purpose was to have the electors vote on what we see as a clear anti-Israel ballot question.

“Shall the United States federal government and subordinate divisions stop giving military funding to Israel, which currently costs taxpayers 3.8 billion dollars a year, given Israel’s global recognition as an apartheid regime with a track record of human rights violations?”

After the election of a moderator to conduct the meeting, both proponents and opponents of the matter were given three minutes each to speak.

Once the hearing portion of the meeting was concluded a vote was taken and the matter was voted down 88/28.

After it was voted down most of the supporters of it walked out before the public comment portion of the meeting began.

We agree with voting this matter down as the Township Government has no powers granted that have anything to do with funding to our allies.

This same process was attempted in other townships across the state and appeared to be more about using a Township Code provision to get attention rather than addressing a policy consideration within township government powers.

The entire meeting video is below but is set to begin with public comment.  The first public commenter was a student from ISU.


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