OAK LAWN, IL — Incumbents Roseann Spoto and Susanne Marzano are running together for re-election to the Oak Lawn Public Library Board of Trustees in the April 6 election. Spoto brings 35 years’ experience in the insurance industry; Marzano offers 40 years’ experience in secondary education. Both claim they bring a combined 25 years of serving as library trustees. These two incumbents are among seven candidates vying for two seats on the library board. Library trustees serve six-year terms. The top two vote getters will win the election. Early voting starts March 22.

Names: Roseann Spoto and Suzanne Marzano
Campaign Contact Email: spotomarzano4library@gmail.com
Town/City of Residence: Oak Lawn
Office sought: Library board trustee
Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?

Spoto: None
Marzano: None that I am aware of
Bachelor of Finance from Indiana University
Marzano: Bachelor of Arts Elementary Education and Bachelor of Arts Spanish Language; Literature, Master of Arts Adult and Continuing Education, Master of Arts Education Administration
Occupation (Please include years of experience):
35 years in Insurance experience
Marzano: 40 years in secondary education
Previous or Current Elected or Appointed Office
Library Board Trustee
Marzano: Library Board Trustee
The single most pressing issue facing our library and this is what I intend to do about it.

With the library having been closed during the pandemic, it is imperative that we focus on increasing patron traffic and starting programs again. We have installed PPE throughout the building and are having an air sterilizer and purification system installed to improve air quality.
What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?
We have 25 years of experience on the Oak Lawn Public Library Board with a proven track record of commitment to making and keeping the library a destination that the entire community can be proud of and enjoy.
If you are a challenger, in what way has the current board or officeholder failed the community (or district or constituency)?
There are always areas for improvement. It is no secret that library usage has been on the decline even prior to COVID-19. We are providing more visibility into spending and reduced costs without reducing services to the community. We believe the outcome will result in a stronger library that provides better services for the community while costing less. We have been researching ways to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of wants and needs driven by the massive advancements in technology and the diversity of the community.
Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform.
Pay-off a bond in 2021 that was floated to expand the library building
Partner with the Oak Lawn Senior Center developing a program and location for our seniors within the library
Provide a safe environment for our staff and public.
What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?
Resourceful educational backgrounds, professional experiences, and personal knowledge of the library. As long-time patrons, we are committed advocates of our library.
Spoto: Eight years’ prior experience in the position; past president of the Oak Lawn Library Board
Recipient of the Pioneer Award from Moraine Valley for efforts in introducing Adult Literacy programs to Illinois libraries
Marzano: 18 years being a board member as its Secretary
Illinois Library Association Intellectual Freedom Award Recipient
Why should voters trust you?
We bring knowledge, experience, integrity, and trust.
If you win this position, what accomplishment would make your term in office as a success?
Our library has always been the jewel of the Oak Lawn community. We envision bringing it to a state of the art 21st century facility serving the demographics most effectively,
What are your views on fiscal policy, government spending and the handling of taxpayer dollars in the office you are seeking?
It was a struggle to cut the by budget percent during this past year. Unfortunately, we felt with books being taken out 60-percent less, major programs not being allowed due to the COVID-19 pandemic legal restrictions, and 80-percent less foot traffic it was essential. We take fiscal responsibility seriously while maintaining quality services.
Do you support Black Lives Matter and what are your thoughts on the demonstrations held since the death of George Floyd and the shooting of Jacob Blake?
It is in our U.S. Constitution that everyone has the right to peacefully protest.
Do you think the current board has done enough to support racial equality, and if not, what specifically should be done to do so?
Our library staff creates a highly diverse assortment of programs and will continue to do so with the support of the board,
What are your thoughts on the national and local coronavirus response? Do you favor measures such as limiting operation of non-essential businesses and restricting indoor/outdoor dining? And do you favor a local mask mandate?
The library has been following federal, state, and local government policies that have been administered ensuring safety protocol standards for staff and patrons.
What are your thoughts on the state and local coronavirus vaccine distribution, and how do you think local governments should work together to handle vaccine rollout?
This is best handled with the professionals in the field of medicine and board of health officials.
Is there any reason you would not serve your full term of office, other than those of health or family?
The best advice ever shared with me was:
Not everything on the Internet or Social Media is true.

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