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JPML Won’t Centralize Accellion Data Hack Cases – Law360

JPML Won’t Centralize Accellion Data Hack Cases – Law360

Law360 (June 9, 2021, 10:28 PM EDT) — The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation has rejected a bid to centralize stockholder class and major customer suits against cloud-based file transfer giant Accellion Inc. over damages tied to multiple hacks of its widely used network, which saw intrusions and user-data thefts on multiple continents. In a

Law360 (June 9, 2021, 10:28 PM EDT) — The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation has rejected a bid to centralize stockholder class and major customer suits against cloud-based file transfer giant Accellion Inc. over damages tied to multiple hacks of its widely used network, which saw intrusions and user-data thefts on multiple continents.

In a brief order Monday, the panel denied the motion to transfer, saying centralization of the cases is not necessary for the convenience of the parties or to further the efficiency of the litigation. The panel also noted that most of the parties, including two defendants, in the 26 cases oppose centralization.

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