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U.S. Democrats Announce Drastic Social Safety Net Plan – Illinoisnewstoday.com

U.S. Democrats Announce Drastic Social Safety Net Plan – Illinoisnewstoday.com

From Washington-The US Senate Democrats announced on Monday a $ 3.5 trillion social safety net proposal that would significantly expand the role of the National Government in the lives of millions of Americans. The plan officially incorporates many of President Joe Biden’s 2020 election promises and provides poor people with better shots to participate in

From Washington-The US Senate Democrats announced on Monday a $ 3.5 trillion social safety net proposal that would significantly expand the role of the National Government in the lives of millions of Americans.

The plan officially incorporates many of President Joe Biden’s 2020 election promises and provides poor people with better shots to participate in the lives of middle-class Americans. At the same time, it will extend government services throughout the array of existing and new programs.

This will provide universal free pre-kindergarten education for children ages 3 and 4 and two years of free community college classes for high school graduates. For older Americans, the plan will boost federal spending for additional medical benefits by funding dental, visual, and hearing aid care for the first time.

Democratic plans have already been overpriced by Republicans and uniformly plundered as a vast overshoot towards the government’s large socialist wish list, fighting climate change and enacting federal immigration law. Will change and invest new amounts in an attempt to lower the price of prescription drugs. Some Democrats have also expressed reservations for the enormous costs of the proposal.

Senate Democrats say they will pay higher taxes on packages to businesses and individuals who earn more than $ 400,000 a year. Republicans also oppose the change, as it will cancel some of the tax cuts enacted under former President Donald Trump in 2017.

New spending proposals will be added to an estimated $ 1 trillion infrastructure package for road and bridge repairs, broadband internet construction, rail and transportation expansion, which is probably approaching approval in the Senate on Tuesday.

The Senate may approve infrastructure measures before sending unanimous Democratic support and about one-third of the 50-member Republican block to the House of Representatives. Some Democratic progressives say they won’t vote for Biden’s other priority, the infrastructure package, until they approve the Social Safety Net Act.

File-In this image from Senate TV, Vice President Kamala Harris sat in a Senate floor chair and voted for her first tiebreak on February 5, 2021 at the Washington Capitol.

Senate Democrats, without Republican support, will push a rough outline of the new social safety net spending plan in the coming days with a simple majority vote in the politically divided Senate, Kamala. Vice President Harris is a Democrat. However, the final legislation with a particular spending proposal can take months to be considered and enacted by Congress.

New York Senate leader Chuck Schumer wrote to a Democratic colleague in introducing the $ 3.5 trillion package:

“By making education, medical care, childcare and housing more affordable, we can reach out to tens of millions of families,” Schumer said.

The Social Safety Net Bill was drafted primarily by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, one of the most liberal members of the Senate.

“For decades, Congress has ignored the needs of the working class, the elderly, children, the sick and the poor,” Sanders said in a statement.

“Now is the time for bold action,” he said. “It’s time to regain confidence not only in the wealthy campaign contributors, but in the ordinary Americans that their government can work for them.”

Kentucky Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell walks towards the Senate as a $ 1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure ... Kentucky Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell walks to Washington’s Senate Room on August 9, 2021.

But Senator Republican leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky senator, is ridiculing the Democratic proposal.

He said last week that the debate about it would drive the Senate into a bipartisan confrontation over the astounding and reckless taxation and sprinkling of spending that Democrats want.

Schumer has made the Democratic Party vote “it’s nothing more than President Sanders’ dream shopping list. Every American family will know exactly where the senator stands,” he said.

U.S. Democrats Announce Drastic Social Safety Net Plan

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