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Federal Judges Face Stricter Trade Disclosures Under New Bill – Law360

Federal Judges Face Stricter Trade Disclosures Under New Bill – Law360

By Al Barbarino (October 25, 2021, 6:44 PM EDT) — Newly proposed bipartisan legislation would hold federal judges to stricter stock trading disclosure requirements, requiring them to report any securities transactions of more than $1,000 for publication in a new online database, a group of lawmakers announced Monday. The Courthouse Ethics and Transparency Act would hold

By Al Barbarino (October 25, 2021, 6:44 PM EDT) — Newly proposed bipartisan legislation would hold federal judges to stricter stock trading disclosure requirements, requiring them to report any securities transactions of more than $1,000 for publication in a new online database, a group of lawmakers announced Monday.

The Courthouse Ethics and Transparency Act would hold judges to the same standards as the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge, or STOCK, Act. (iStock.com/Andrey Popov) The Courthouse Ethics and Transparency Act would hold judges to the same standards as the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act, or STOCK Act, enacted in 2012. The STOCK Act enforces the $1,000, 45-day reporting requirements for the president, vice…

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