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  • Federal Bailout Not Enough for Illinois’ Debts – Alton Daily News

    Federal Bailout Not Enough for Illinois’ Debts – Alton Daily News0

    From the $1.9 trillion spending plan the Senate passed, federal taxpayers are poised to send the state of Illinois $7.5 billion for the state budget. That’s not enough to cover the state’s bill backlog. Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza said on social media Saturday she and Gov. J.B. Pritzker agreed that federal dollars the state is

  • Illinois Senate Returns – Alton Daily News

    Illinois Senate Returns – Alton Daily News0

    As the Illinois Senate returned to the Illinois Capitol Tuesday, leaders from opposite sides of the aisles are eying the state’s troubled finances. Senate President Don Harmon. D-Oak Park, told the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute Monday since voters last year rejected the proposed progressive income tax increase on higher earners, the day of reckoning

  • Normal Mayoral Candidates Debate COVID Response, Economic Development – WGLT News

    Normal Mayoral Candidates Debate COVID Response, Economic Development – WGLT News0

    During Tuesday’s debate between Normal Mayor Chris Koos and challenger Marc Tiritilli, the two candidates found themselves in a familiar place: The upcoming April 6 election marks the second time they’ve faced off.  Back in 2017, Koos won his fourth term by just 11 votes over Tiritilli, an instructor at Illinois Wesleyan University. But this